7 Shared Closet Tips and Ideas to Create a More Harmonious Space

For some couples, sharing a closet space can be quite the challenge.

A shared closet space unquestionably has a different dynamic than a one-person closet space.

Adapting to using a shared closet as the result of a new living arrangement can be one of a couple’s biggest challenges once they start living under the same roof.

Even if you’ve been with your spouse for a long time, maybe you’ve never quite seen eye-to-eye on your shared closet arrangement.

And if one partner’s organizational skills aren’t exactly their finest attribute (to put it diplomatically), that only makes things more of an uphill battle.

shared closey

Couples commonly clash over closet clutter

A survey by self-storage company SpareFoot found that clutter was the cause of arguments for 48% of the cohabitating couples they polled.

Not surprisingly, messy closets were the main reason for couples arguing about clutter.

Another study of 3,000 adults in the UK for Esure Home Insurance found that 40% of respondents argued regularly with their partner over lost items.

Stop having the same arguments over and over with your partner about your shared closet.

Use these seven tips to make the closet you share a harmonious space, instead of a space that causes tension and conflicts.

1. Declutter first and organization becomes easier

51% of the couples arguing about closet clutter from that SpareFoot survey ended up getting rid of some clothing to appease their partner.

When you’re working your way towards creating a harmonious shared closet space, it’s essential to ensure the closet isn’t being occupied by non-essential items.

One group of organization experts (the National Association of Professional Organizers) estimates that 80% of your clothes are only worn 20% of the time.

That sobering statistic explains why it’s such a challenge keeping any closet space tidy.

Simplify things by decluttering your closet and getting rid of things you and your partner never (or rarely) wear. Start by moving your out-of-season clothing somewhere else, which will make the closet space easier to manage.

2. Divide and conquer

Another reason to declutter before making over your closet is you’ll get a much better idea of how much space you both actually need.

Once that’s been established, start divvying up the space. A 50/50 split probably won’t be practical, as one of you will likely have more to store.

For this process to truly work, some give and take needs to happen, which hopefully results in a space-sharing arrangement that works for everybody.

Be open-minded about the fact that some flexibility may be needed with your setup once it’s in place.

3. Leverage a closet designer’s expertise

Leaving your shared closet redesign to a professional will be beneficial because of the expertise they can bring to the project.

Most importantly, a professional closet designer will know how to plan smartly in order to maximize the storage space your closet can provide.

They’ll also have ideas and suggestions you may not have considered that can improve and enhance your closet design.

One major factor that impacts the effectiveness of a shared closet space is how carefully each individual’s needs were taken into consideration when the closet was designed.

Does your closet design give each of you enough hanging space? Were the right closet accessories incorporated into the closet design?

Is the closet laid out perfectly to accommodate the users’ heights in order to make things easy to access? This one is an important detail that can get overlooked if you buy a one-size-fits-all closet organizer from a store, instead of investing in a custom closet system.

4. Utilize effective closet storage systems

Squeezing the wardrobe of two people into a confined space and making that space function efficiently requires both creativity and well-chosen closet storage systems.

A reach-in closet makeover will be the “foundation” of the space. This organization system makes it easier to group like items together and will enable you to keep your closet tidy with less effort.

You’ll enhance the reach-in closet’s functionality by adding useful accessories like tie and belt racks, shoe racks, and pullout valet rods.

If one partner has a large watch collection, keep the timepieces properly wound and displayed with some watch winders. To keep a jewellery collection organized, jewellery drawers can be incorporated into a closet’s custom cabinetry design.

For drawers that are being shared, use drawer dividers to ensure easy organization. And no one likes to look at or smell their partner’s dirty laundry. Solve that problem with some hidden laundry hampers.

drawer with dividers in shared closet

Add drawer dividers to shared drawers to keep things organized.

5. When small won’t cut it, go big

While a closet makeover will make wardrobe management easier for a couple, it may be a simple fact that your main bedroom closet is just too small. That’s a common problem in old houses.

If you have a spare room that’s rarely used, converting it into a large walk-in closet (also known as a dressing room) is one effective way to keep a shared closet organized.

You’ll both have much an ample amount of storage space to work with. That minimizes the likelihood of arguments that result when one partner’s belongings start migrating too far into the other partner’s space.

Here’s another bold idea to consider if your home’s space allows for it – just avoid sharing a closet altogether.

If you have a much bigger wardrobe than your significant other, take the entire dressing room while leaving your partner with all of the space in your bedroom’s existing closet.

6. Use supplemental bedroom storage solutions

If you lack the space in your home to create a large walk-in closet/dressing room, there are other practical storage options available.

Use other bedroom storage products to add storage space that supplements what your closet can provide. Here are some suggestions:

  • wardrobe
  • bed surround
  • add another closet with a quick and easy solution like create-a-closet
shared closet, create-a-closet

Expand your storage options with added bedroom storage solutions. create-a-closet adds closet space anywhere.

7. Maintain your shared closet

Making your shared closet space function without any issues requires work, even when the best storage and organization systems are being used.

To be sure, they’ll make it much easier to keep your closet organized, but a consistent, ongoing effort from both parties will result in fewer arguments over the tidiness of your closet.

It doesn’t hurt to have some checks and balances in place. Perhaps once or twice a year, you can each take a little time to take care of decluttering your part of the closet.

Respect each others’s closet space boundaries. And keep the lines of communication open (in a civil manner) about closet-related matters.

Doing so will result in keeping this part of your relationship healthy and headache-free.

Transform your shared closet space

If a makeover of your shared closet space sounds like a smart way to restore harmony in your relationship when it comes to how your bedroom closet is used, we can help.

Schedule a free in-home consultation with Organized Interiors. One of our talented design consultants will show you and your partner how we can turn your closet into a stylish, highly efficient space.

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9 Clever Seasonal Clothes Storage Tips Everyone Should Know

Woman holding sweaters, seasonal clothes storage

Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

Living in a cold climate means having a larger wardrobe than someone living where the temperature barely changes.

Unlike a Floridian, wearing shorts outside in the middle of January simply isn’t an option for Canadians.

Or should I say most Canadians. There are those strange people, after all, who you occasionally see at the local Tim Hortons on a frigid winter day bundled up with a thick coat, toque, and…wearing their shorts. We don’t get it.

The bi-annual ritual of seasonal clothes storage

For the rest of us who stick to weather-appropriate attire, the perpetual seasonal clothes storage cycle is a fact of life.

At least twice a year in the spring and fall, it’s time to carry out the ritual of swapping your seasonal clothing for whichever apparel is best suited to the coming season.

Whether it’s packing away your swimwear or shorts in the autumn or your mitts and sweaters when springtime arrives, there’s a right way and a wrong way to store your seasonal clothes.

It’s well worth it to take the time to do things properly when it comes to seasonal clothes storage.

You’ll extend the life of your clothing. And when your organized seasonal apparel emerges from its hibernation months from now, you’ll have fewer headaches to deal with.

Use these nine seasonal clothes storage tips whenever you’re changing over your wardrobe.

 1. Pare down your wardrobe

Switching out your wardrobe when seasons change presents the perfect opportunity to take stock of what you own and “thin the herd” a little.

An MSN.com poll found that 63% of those surveyed planned to get rid of outdated clothing in the next year. However, life tends to get in the way sometimes. We don’t always follow through on those well-intentioned plans, unfortunately.

That’s one reason so many of us have so much unworn or barely worn clothing in our closets. One study by PR agency 10 Yetis estimated that the closets of U.S. women contain an average of $550 worth of unworn clothing.

Undoubtedly, seasonal clothing that doesn’t fit, is out of fashion, is damaged beyond repair, or was bought on sale but never worn will comprise some of that closet clutter.

While you’re going through your clothing collection, spend a little extra time to pare down your wardrobe.

Getting rid of clothing you never wear will create much-needed closet and drawer space. You’ll save a good amount of time every year by having fewer non-essential things to go through when you’re looking for something to wear.

2. Wash and repair your clothes before storage

button, seasonal clothes storageAny seasonal clothing should be properly washed and folded before being packed away for several months. For your more delicate items, round everything up for a visit to your dry cleaner.

Leaving an untreated stain on an item of clothing that’s being stored for awhile will usually create more problems for you later on. The stain will only set in further and cause a worse discolouration of the fabric.

The smells of body odours, perfumes, and colognes left on unwashed seasonal clothes will be more difficult to get rid of the longer you don’t deal with them. Clean clothes will also be much less likely to attract pests like closet moths.

Always be sure that your washed seasonal clothes are completely dry before they’re put into storage containers. Damp clothes being stored in a sealed space with no airflow is a recipe for mould and mildew problems.

Take care of any sweater de-pilling or necessary mending tasks, such as fixing broken zippers or replacing missing buttons on your seasonal clothes.

Invest a little extra time to make all of the seasonal clothes you’re storing fresh and ready-to-go as soon as you need them the following year. Your future self will thank you.

3. Use plastic storage containers

Always use clean plastic storage containers/bins with secure lids instead of cardboard boxes for your seasonal clothes storage. Be sure to label them in order to make finding things easier.

Even a thicker cardboard box will eventually fall apart and they’re harder to move around. Cardboard boxes are also susceptible to infiltration from rodents and insects.

Clothing stored in cardboard boxes for lengthy periods of time may also develop white or yellow stains.

Don’t overstuff your plastic storage containers, as you’ll cause tough-to-remove creases and wrinkling.

Loosely storing things in your containers and leaving a bit of space in them will also allow air to circulate.

4. Use mothballs properly for seasonal clothes storage

Wait, there’s a wrong way to use mothballs?

Well, as much as mothballs are indeed an effective solution to prevent insects from feasting on your clothes, remember that they are, in fact, a pesticide.

That means there’s a certain level of toxicity in the product, which makes them a hazard to pets, children, and you if you’re using them improperly. Toxicologists recommend that anyone handling mothballs wear gloves.

To eliminate any safety worries, you could spend a little extra and get chemical-free mothballs. Cedar blocks and cedar-lined chests are another safer option.

Also keep this in mind: mothballs need to be used in an airtight container or bag to be most effective. You also need to use the right amount of them. And remember that after awhile, mothballs lose their potency and will need to be replaced.

5. Where to store your seasonal clothes

Not all of your stored seasonal clothing will be folded up and put in storage bins. You’ll want to hang some things, so try creating more storage space in your closet by adding a closet organizer and some helpful accessories, like extra hanging rods.

Adding an extra shelf to your closet’s upper reaches can also provide the perfect space to keep items you won’t need for some time.

Just don’t overcrowd your closets with so much of your stored seasonal clothing that it ends up restricting your everyday use of the space.

To free up closet space, here are a few more places you can use for seasonal clothes storage in your home:

  • wardrobe
  • larger walk-in closet/dressing room
  • bed surround with underbed storage
  • suitcases
  • laundry room with extra cabinet storage space (you’ll want to use a dehumidifier due to the high moisture levels, however)
  • mudroom
seasonal clothes storage bed surround

A bed surround with underbed drawer storage is the perfect seasonal clothes storage solution.

6. Store things in a climate-controlled space

Wherever you plan to store your seasonal clothing, ensure it’s in a climate-controlled area of your home.

Stable storage conditions with consistent temperatures (preferably cool) are recommended to keep your clothes as well-preserved as possible.

Only use your basement if it’s not too damp and don’t store your clothes too close to your furnace. Avoid using your garage unless it’s climate-controlled.

Your storage space should also be clean. Considering how hot and dusty most attics are, that might rule them out as a seasonal clothes storage space for you.

It’s also a good idea to store your things in a darker space, especially if you’re using clear storage containers. This will prevent your clothes being stored for long periods of time from fading.

Some of your seasonal clothes may be packed away for a particularly long time without being used. If so, check in on them once a year to make sure there’s no storage issues.

7. Don’t hang certain items

Even if you have plenty of available hanging space in your closets (lucky you), some of your seasonal clothing won’t take kindly to being hung for months at a time.

Sweaters or any of your more delicate knit items will lose their shape when hung for lengthy periods of time.

Prevent the stretching of your favourite sweaters by always folding them away in a drawer or plastic storage container.

For long-term storage of delicates (including things like quilts or a wedding dress), wrapping the items in acid-free tissue can also be beneficial.

And if you are using hangers for something being stored, use high quality padded or wood hangers. They provide better support for your garments than wire hangers.

8. Don’t use plastic bags for seasonal clothes storage

It’s not common knowledge that long-term storage of anything in a dry cleaning bag isn’t advisable.

The “dry” in “dry cleaning” is somewhat misleading. There’s no water being used in the process, but liquid solvents are.

And if those liquids aren’t thoroughly dried by your dry cleaner, moisture trapped inside that cheap plastic bag can cause yellowing and mildew problems on the fabric.

Even if your dry cleaned items were fully dried when you brought them home, the plastic covering just doesn’t give your more delicate clothing the chance to breathe, which it needs.

Get some breathable garment bags for long-term storage of your winter coats, suits, and formal wear that only gets used sporadically.

Dry cleaning rack seasonal clothes storage

Don’t use plastic dry cleaning bags for long-term clothing storage. (Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash)

9. Not everything should be vacuum sealed

Using a vacuum sealing process with a vacuum attachment or hand pump for your seasonal clothes storage items might seem like a good idea.

While you may be able to save storage space, not everything you’re storing should be vacuum sealed, however.

When the natural fibres in some types of clothing are tightly compressed, the material can take months to return to its natural form (which it just might not).

As we’ve mentioned, clothes made from natural fibres benefit from having some air circulation so they can breathe. Vacuum sealing obviously eliminates that completely.

Delicates and any clothing or textiles you own that might be described as “puffy” or “fluffy” should be off-limits from vacuum sealing. Here are some examples:

  • bulky winter coats and down jackets
  • towels
  • winter gloves
  • comforters
  • pillows
  • leather products
  • sleeping bags
  • anything made from wool, cashmere, or silk

Find better ways to store your seasonal clothes

Schedule a free in-home design consultation with us to help you find better ways to store and organize your seasonal clothes, everyday clothes, and just about anything else in your home.

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7 Surprising Things You Should Never Have in Your Bedroom

What’s the messiest room in your home?

According to numerous surveys, homeowners struggle most when it comes to keeping their garage, kitchen, and bedrooms tidy.

Take stock of any untidy room and here’s one guaranteed commonality – there are things in the space that simply shouldn’t be there.

Old tires or broken yard tools shouldn’t be on your garage floor. Cookware you never use shouldn’t be taking up precious storage space in your kitchen.

And when you look at how many things people make the mistake of having in their bedrooms, it’s no wonder keeping them organized is such a challenge.

Assessing the types of things you should never have in your bedroom goes beyond clutter-related issues as well. Keeping some things in your bedroom can also negatively affect your health.

Photo by Bruno Cervera on Unsplash

Get these 7 things out of your bedroom

If any of the following things are mainstays in your bedroom, reconsider their place in a space where you spend about a third of your day.

Getting rid of them will make your bedroom a healthier and tidier space.

1. Pets

A survey by the American Pet Products Association found that almost half of dog owners allow their pet to sleep on their bed. Just under two-thirds of cats sleep on the beds of their owners.

There’s undeniably a distinct comfort in cozying up to your dog or cat as you drift off to sleep. Some pet owners and pets alike also appreciate the extra sense of security.

Every household and pet is different. Be mindful that pets may enhance your sleep, yet other’s may disrupt your sleep. This is very individual as the inconvenience may well be worth a nighttime of snuggles.

2. Clutter

Another of the things you should never have in your bedroom is clutter.

Clutter directly clashes with what should be a serene, relaxing environment where you’re supposed to be recharging your batteries. Just as pets can interfere with the efficiency and quality of your sleep, so too does clutter.

A cluttered environment is an environment that’s constantly reminding you it’s not orderly. That burdens your brain (even if you’re not aware of it) with the feeling that there’s work to do.

It makes it harder to relax and get a good night’s sleep, which can contribute to added stress and deeper health issues.

Visible clutter, such as clutter on your nightstand, dresser, or bedroom floor is naturally more problematic.

Clutter that’s kept behind a closet door, under your bed, or in a bedroom drawer may be out of sight, but it’s clutter nonetheless.

If your bedroom clutter is unmanageable, look for better storage and organization systems to help you out. A closet organizer, extra wardrobe, or a bed surround unit that maximizes your bedroom’s storage space are great places to start.

things you should never have in your bedroom bed surround

A clean, clutter-free bedroom is important for getting a good night’s sleep.

3. Electronic devices

Electronic devices are as deeply ingrained into our lives as ever, so keeping them out of the bedroom may be a tall order for many.

There are several reasons why you should make an effort, however.

Most importantly, the blue light emitted from a laptop, smartphone, flatscreen TV, and tablet screens makes it harder for your brain to produce melatonin. As a result, it can become harder to fall asleep and your sleep patterns might be disrupted.

It’s recommended to refrain from using your electronics no later than a couple of hours before going to bed to avoid this problem.

The “night mode” setting on devices, which adjusts the colours on your screen before bedtime to warmer colours that are more sleep-friendly, might help. This operating system feature is very new, however, and it’s still unclear how effective it is.

Making your bedroom a device-free zone is also advisable because it’s not just their screens that can affect how we sleep.

Constant phone notifications, getting stressed out over the news you’re reading online, social media-related worries, and general information overload don’t contribute to getting a consistently restful night of sleep.

Try untethering yourself from your devices for a few hours both before going to bed and after waking up. You might just notice an improvement in the quality of your sleep.

4. Exercise equipment

Keeping exercise equipment in the bedroom is something you should avoid.

It might seem quite convenient to have your elliptical machine, treadmill, or exercise bike easily accessible, right there in your bedroom.

Or perhaps it’s out of necessity simply because you live in a small home or condo. But even if you have a big bedroom, consider relocating your workout equipment elsewhere in your home (or get a gym membership).

Here are some of the reasons exercise equipment is one of the things you should never have in your bedroom:

  • exercise machines that stop getting used just become clutter (and a resting place for more clutter)
  • working out before bed can make it harder for you to sleep
  • workout equipment (even equipment only you use) usually isn’t very sanitary
  • if you haven’t been keeping up with your workouts, having always-visible exercise equipment in the bedroom increases your feelings of guilt

5. A workspace or desk

Using the bedroom to take care of work tasks is surprisingly common. One study found that of the 1,000 workers surveyed, half of them admitted to reading and responding to business emails in bed.

Maybe you’re using a laptop or smartphone in bed for work or to pay a few bills. Perhaps it’s a desk in your bedroom that you regularly work from.

Try to keep your work out of the bedroom because boundaries matter. The bedroom is supposed to be a space where you relax and unwind. If you’re not allowing yourself to do that, it becomes a life-work balance problem.

You need a space that allows you to escape from the obligations and commitments that cause stress. Establish a dedicated home workspace, like a home office.

6. Dirty laundry

Accumulating dirty laundry is unavoidable, of course. Just don’t let that laundry pile in your bedroom get too high.

A laundry basket that’s overflowing with dirty clothes adds to the cluttered look of a bedroom. Your space looks even worse when dirty clothes end up draped over a chair or on your closet or bedroom floor.

Like the rest of the room’s clutter, your brain registers it as another task that needs to be taken care of.

Smelly dirty laundry can also affect your bedroom’s air quality. And if you leave damp clothes or towels balled up in your laundry pile, mould can start growing in as little as a day.

Keep your dirty clothes organized and hidden by incorporating pullout laundry hampers into your closet and/or laundry room design.

things you should never have in your bedroom, hamper

Avoid leaving unsightly dirty laundry piled up in your bedroom. Hidden laundry hampers in the bedroom or laundry room are a better solution.

7. An old mattress

A lot of people have no idea that the recommended lifespan of a mattress is 8-10 years. And people sleeping on mattresses that are 30 or 40 years old happens more often than you might think.

Many people wait until their mattress begins showing noticeable signs of deterioration before replacing it.

Old mattresses can cause back problems or aggravate existing back issues. Today’s mattresses are more comfortable than ever and simply switching to a new one might result in a more restful night of sleep.

There’s another reason to upgrade to a new mattress if you’re sleeping on one that’s more than a decade old.

Even if you’re washing your bed linens regularly and using bed covers that are allergen-proof, the body oils and dead skin cells on mattresses will still attract dust mites.

An Ohio State University expert estimated there could be up to 10 million of the tiny insects living on an average regularly slept-on mattress.

Want another gross old mattress fact? Experts say a mattress that’s 10 years old or more can have as much as 10 pounds of dead skin on it. Yuck.

While we’re on the subject of what you sleep on, here’s one last thing you should never have in your bedroom (at least for too long) – an unmade bed.

Studies show that making your bed every morning makes people feel happier because it helps them get their day off to a more productive start.

Take charge of your bedroom!

Are any of these seven things you should never have in your bedroom a surprise?

You can improve how your home’s bedrooms function and how well your family sleeps merely by having higher standards for what’s allowed in these rooms.

For expert help to get any room in your house or condo more organized, schedule a free in-home design consultation with us.

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The 10 Most Important Closet Storage Tips You’ll Ever Need

Keeping a closet space neat and tidy is an ongoing and daily process.

It can only take a few days for closets to go from functional to dysfunctional, either because we lack the time, are too tired, or are simply feeling too little lazy to put things away properly.

With the help of a few closet storage tips, you should find your closets require a lot less effort to maintain and keep clutter-free.

10 essential closet storage tips

These 10 important closet storage tips include a few organization ideas that might seem like no-brainers, such as reducing the amount of clothes you own.

But sometimes the most obvious solution to a problem is the one we fail to identify until it becomes glaringly obvious.

Go through our list of closet storage tips for a helpful reminder on some simple, fundamental strategies to restore order to your closets.

Hopefully you’ll also discover a useful closet storage and organization idea or two here that might not have occurred to you before.

1. Re-evaluate the size of your wardrobe

Re-evaluating how many items really need to be stored in your closets and taking meaningful action to reduce your wardrobe to a manageable size is one of our more common-sense closet storage tips.

It’s something that many of us fail to do, however. Consider the following statistics:

  • 61% of women who have a hard time finding anything in their closet end up buying new clothes. (OnePoll survey)
  • 80% of your clothes are only worn about 20% of the time. (NAPO study)
  • A study of over 2,000 U.S. women revealed that their closets had an average of $550 worth of unworn clothing. (10 Yetis survey)

Having a clothing collection comprised of numerous things you never wear only slows down your decision-making process when picking out an outfit.

A good wardrobe purge every now and then to get rid of things that don’t fit, are damaged, or are out of style will make your closets easier to manage and save you time.

2. Prioritize your storage needs

Prioritizing your closet storage needs doesn’t just mean removing clothing items you never wear. It also means not using your closet space for storing things you wear on a seasonal basis and don’t currently need.

Of course, if you’re fortunate enough to have a dressing room/large walk-in closet, you’ll have all the closet storage space you need.

Otherwise, you’ll probably need to be a little more selective with where your seasonal items are stored. This especially holds true when the weather warms up. That bulky fall and winter clothing that won’t get worn for months can fill up your drawer and closet space quickly.

Designate another space in your home, such as the basement or a spare closet, as your family’s out-of-season clothing storage area. Other closet space-hogging items like luggage should also be stored there year-round.

Make sure to wash (and dry clean if necessary) your out-of-season clothing before storing everything away in clothing storage bags or storage bins.

3. Use a closet organizer

With the challenge of minimizing your closet clutter being a never-ending process, why not use the best solution available?

Get a high quality closet organizer to do most of the hard work.

A closet organizer system is designed to maximize your closet’s available storage space. By incorporating features such as drawers, strategically located shelving, and other clever design elements, an optimal level of functionality within a closet can be achieved.

If your budget allows, go with a custom closet design instead of a one-size-fits-all closet organizer system from a big box retailer. You’ll get better quality and a lot more customization options that will prove to be worth the extra expense.

If your closet space is shared, a closet organization system is particularly valuable. Having designated “his and her” closet zones ensures order is maintained within a shared storage space (and that’s order not just with closet clutter, but with squabbles that can result because of clutter).

4. Add closet drawers

Adding drawers to your closet makes perfect sense.

Drawers that are included in a closet’s custom cabinetry helps to keep all of your apparel in one main area. That can free up space in your bedroom by allowing you to get rid of a dresser.

A smaller system of drawers within a closet can also potentially give you as much (or even more) storage space as a typical dresser.

You just need to have the right kind of space-saving design, such as outfitting your drawers with dividers that allow you to keep smaller items like socks, underwear, stockings, and scarves well-organized.

Vertically folding your socks, t-shirts, jeans, and a few other types of clothing will also make maximize your drawer storage space.

closet storage tips drawer

Closet drawers with dividers keep socks and underwear and well-organized.

5. Add more hanging rods

Continuing our theme of closet storage tips that enable you to maximize your storage space, add a few extra smartly positioned hanging rods in your closets.

If your closet space allows for it, having extra hanging rods gives you a few more options with how your hanging space is used.

It becomes easier to group like items of clothing together or keep your hung items colour-coordinated. Lower hanging rods can be added, or even one that’s attached in a perpendicular configuration on the side wall of your closet.

Extra hanging closet space could also come in the form of a pullout pant rack.

6. Use your closet floor space wisely

Closets tend to become catch-all spaces for those odds and ends you’re not sure what to do with. And closet floors seem to be where many of these things without a home end up.

Try to make better use of your closet floor space, because it’s much more useful than as a dumping ground for those “out of sight, out of mind” items. Shoe storage is the most logical choice.

If you’re using a wall-mounted closet organization system (such as our SmartLine system) that leaves open floor space, add some single-tier shoe racks.

Or you could make sure your custom closet design utilizes your floor space with open shelving shoe storage or a multi-tier pullout shoe rack.

7. Accessorize your closet

You should be well on your way to transforming how your closet functions if you’ve used just a few of these closet storage tips.

Be sure to also include closet accessorizing in your closet makeover process.

Those little extras you can add to your closet with some helpful closet accessories will streamline your daily dressing routine even further.

We’ve already mentioned closet drawers, extra hanging rods, and shoe racks. Here are some more practical closet accessory ideas:

  • laundry hampers
  • retractable valet rods
  • belt hooks
  • sliding belt racks
  • decorative hooks
  • tie hooks

8. Add extra closet shelves

Having some extra closet shelves is never a bad idea if your closet space can accommodate it.

Some open shelving is great for items like sweaters, which can save them from getting stretched when they’re hung up. Jeans can also be folded and stored on your shelving to save drawer and hanging space for other things.

To stay organized, shelf dividers can be used. Stylish baskets are also useful for keeping loose items contained.

Consider adding an extra shelf in your closet’s upper area if possible, as that is space is commonly underutilized in closets. Keep a good step stool tucked away to ensure you can safely store and retrieve things from your closet’s upper reaches.

Perfumes, colognes, framed photos, or other trinkets you want to display can also occupy your shelves to personalize your closet space a little more.

9. Use better closet lighting

A tidy closet is a wonderful thing, but it isn’t as functional as it could be unless it has good lighting. Deeper closets and closets with a smaller doorway may not allow as much light in from your main bedroom lights as you need.

Illuminate the entire space so you’ll be able to find things not just because all your things are well-organized, but because you can actually see everything!

Make sure your closet is equipped with something more than just an outdated incandescent light bulb with a pull chain. A new energy efficient LED light fixture or perhaps some recessed overhead lighting will work nicely.

If some areas of your closet are still a little too dimly lit for your liking, add some extra light sources, such as a few LED puck lights.

You’ll have the option of using battery-powered or hardwired LED task lighting. Try and use the latter, as you’ll get better quality lighting and won’t have to worry about replacing batteries.

closet storage tips lighting

Use good closet lighting to make your organized closet even easier to function in.

10. Don’t overburden your closet doors

Using the back of your closet doors for extra storage might appear to be one of those no-brainer closet storage tips, but there are drawbacks to doing so.

In theory, those over-the-door hanging shoe organizers seem like a practical storage option. In practice, however, they make your closet doors heavier and more cumbersome to open.

They also aren’t much to look at. After all, mesh (which most organizers are made with) rarely looks very stylish.

Some of these organizers also do a poor job of actually keeping your shoes securely in place. That can damage your shoes and become a nuisance when you’re frequently having to put them back in their proper home.

Additionally, don’t install too many hooks on the back of your closet doors for the same reasons as mentioned above.

Closet storage tips to simplify your daily routine

Follow these closet storage tips and you’ll find that your daily dressing routine will become a lot easier and more efficient.

Remember not to go overboard by adding too many new features to your closets. You still need space in your closets for air to circulate, which helps keep your clothes fresh.

That’s why hiring a closet design expert like Organized Interiors can be so beneficial. Our design consultants will know exactly what your closet needs in order to serve you best.

To get your home’s closet spaces working harder for you, schedule a free in-home design consultation with Organized Interiors today.

See also:

Hidden Home Storage Space: 7 Areas You’re Completely Overlooking

hidden home storage space bed

When you’re constantly struggling to find enough home storage space, it may seem like moving or undergoing a costly home expansion are your only solutions to fix the problem.

But have you taken the time to thoroughly assess what your home has to offer in terms of its full storage potential? There’s a good chance it has hidden home storage space you’re completely overlooking.

Having too little storage space wastes your time due to it being harder to stay organized and clutter accumulating more rapidly.

With smaller homes and condos, maximizing your storage space is even more important.

Make the most of your hidden home storage space

Take the time to evaluate whether or not the following hidden home storage spaces can be better utilized to give you more storage options.

Upgrading these spaces will create storage opportunities that can be significant or a little less impactful, but every little bit definitely helps.

1. A spare room

It’s been said that “a spare room is a wasted room”.

It’s hard to argue with that belief. One study found that in America alone, there are an estimated 33 million spare bedrooms.

That’s a whole lot of wasted space that’s probably holding stacks of useless junk and clutter. Sure, that technically qualifies as storage, but it’s poorly used storage.

On top of that, these spare rooms only encourage you to accumulate more clutter. There’s never any urgency to declutter because the room doesn’t have a true purpose or function.

Converting a spare room into a useful space that includes extra storage room makes a lot of sense. A guest room, home office, or craft room with built-in storage systems can transform a spare room from useless to truly useful.

Another brilliant spare room idea is to convert one into a dressing room (also known as a large walk-in closet).

You’ll love the wealth of wardrobe storage space a dressing room provides. This stylish, cozy, and personalized preparation space will soon become your favourite room in the house!

2. Laundry room

Virtually every house has a laundry room, but the degree to which these laundry rooms maximize their storage space varies widely.

The fact is that most laundry rooms have lots of hidden home storage space. Exactly where is it, you ask?

Start with underneath your washer and dryer. Buying pedestals with storage drawers for these appliances can give you just a little more storage room. Pedestals can also raise your washer and dryer up to a height that’s more convenient for you.

Extra laundry room storage could also be included inside a comfortable bench to sit on while you’re waiting for a laundry cycle to finish.

A laundry room island also adds hidden storage space for items like a pullout ironing board and laundry supplies, while also providing a handy surface for sorting and folding clothes.

Adding floor-to-ceiling custom cabinetry to your laundry room will make the biggest difference to how functional it is as a storage space.

Along with adding extra features like pullouts, hanging rods, and under sink organizers, your laundry room will finally be up to the task of being one of your home’s hardest working spaces.

hidden home storage space laundry room

Update your laundry room with floor-to-ceiling cabinetry to optimize its storage space.

3. The basement

Most basements offer lots of space that is rarely optimized to maximize your storage space. Too often, homeowners just stack boxes and storage bins in a basement corner.

DIY shelving is also commonly found in basements, which isn’t always an ideal solution. It usually doesn’t make the most of your storage space, leaves you with more things to dust, and tends to look rather shabby.

Updating your basement’s appearance with bespoke cabinetry will help you to add a little style to this area of your home. You’ll allow this underused space to work a lot harder with effective storage systems that are easy to keep organized.

Adding any of the following rooms to your basement and incorporating custom cabinetry into their design are another way to get more storage space in your home:

  • kids playroom
  • wine cellar
  • home office
  • guest room
  • pantry

Don’t forget about under your stairs, whether it’s in the basement on your home’s main floor. There are storage opportunities there as well, even if the space is limited and has some rather quirky dimensions.

4. Under the bed

Would you believe there’s hidden home storage space located right underneath somewhere you spend a third of your day?

Using under-bed storage is a shrewd way to add extra storage space without adding to the footprint taken up by your home’s storage systems.

A standalone storage bed or a bed that’s incorporated into a larger bed surround unit provide valuable drawer storage space that can alleviate some of your bedroom’s storage needs.

Seasonal clothing, for example, is perfect for storing in your under-bed storage drawers.

And here’s a bonus: because under-bed storage leaves no gap underneath the bed, you’ll have about 35 square feet less of your home to vacuum.

5. The attic

Because you rarely go up there, you may not even consider the attic as a hidden home storage space you could actually make better use of.

There’s no denying that an attic renovation can be a messy and complicated undertaking. It’s probably filthy, hot, may have little headroom, and could lack adequate floor support for walking around or holding much weight.

Poor lighting and even having a decent attic ladder might also be issues.

That can admittedly be a lot of obstacles to overcome, but it’s also a shame to let so much unused space in your home go to waste.

If an attic renovation in your home, however, presents relatively few home improvement challenges, it’s certainly a viable option in order to gain a sizable amount of additional storage space.

hidden home storage space attic

Fixing up your attic to add storage space can be a lot of work, but worthwhile for the amount of extra storage room it provides.

6. Closets

If a large walk-in closet exceeds your wardrobe storage needs, re-evaluate how your traditional closet spaces are being used.

You’ll know your closets could use a professional’s touch if:

  • you waste time daily trying to find things
  • you’re making duplicate purchases due to disorganization
  • trying to decide what to wear is becoming increasingly difficult
  • your “closet overflow” is starting to clutter the bedroom

With a few upgrades like a custom closet organizer and using the vertical space in your closets more efficiently, you’ll discover your closets contained hidden home storage space all along!

If you’re not just struggling with having enough closet space but any closet space in a particular room, it’s easier than you might think to add some. With create-a-closet®, you can add closet storage anywhere you’d like.

7. The garage

The garage, like the basement, is an area in your home that’s loaded with hidden storage potential.

Garage makeover professionals like Garage Living know that utilizing wall space and overhead space is the key to maximizing a garage’s storage functionality.

Slatwall, overhead storage racks, and cabinets provide ample room for storing a garage’s contents and items that may be cluttering up the rest of a home.

Even an extra vehicle can be cleverly stored in a garage with a space-saving car lift that uses a garage’s empty vertical space.

Another thing garages have in common with basements is that homeowners don’t tend to have the same high standards for the aesthetics in these spaces as they do for other rooms in their home. But they’re still part of your home and deserve to look nice.

hidden home storage space garage

Your garage is loaded with underutilized storage space. Adding a slatwall storage system, cabinets, car lift, and overhead racks maximizes storage space.

Hidden home storage space ideas and solutions

Take the time to look for it and you’ll find there’s actually ample storage space hiding in plain sight all over your home.

For the best personalized solutions that allow you to take advantage of your hidden home storage space, schedule a free in-home design consultation with Organized Interiors.

See also: